Sergio, OIGRES’s real name, has been airbrushing since 1991, a passion discovered in Paul Klee State Art School. There, for the first time discovered the Spray Gun, during a static modeling class, and suddenly he was inspired by the potential of this mysterious object that shoots air.
A few years after finishing school, he resumes drawing with various techniques, until finally, after saving some money, he buys a professional airbrush equipped with a compressor. From this point the delirium begins.
That’s about passion mixed with a competition with himself to see how far he can go, using his objects in first place, than his friends in second.
To then end by open a studio in 1996.
Recently, OIGRES holds airbrushing courses at the Paul Klee State Art School in Genoa and private courses for enthusiasts.



The “OIGRES” main idea came out from being the reverse of “SERGIO”, a rational “Virginian” and precise man (even a bit of a pain in the ass) therefore an artist and noisy but definitely more cool. Those having faced both sides knows what I’m talking about. Obviously the balance lies in the middle of the two characters who integrate and can help each other.
In this dualistic path, SERGIOIGRES looks for the “center” under various forms (his owns), but be ready to dig …..


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